Enrollment options

DURING YOUR JOB SEARCH, YOU WILL LIKELY BE ASKED TO COMPLETE AN EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION. AN EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION IS NOT A RESUME, THOUGH, AND YOU SHOULD NOT LOOK AT IT IN THE SAME WAY. IN THIS COURSE, YOU WILL DISCOVER HOW TO COMPLETE AN APPLICATION THAT STIMULATES A POTENTIAL EMPLOYER’S INTEREST. LEARNING OBJECTIVES * Define employment application * Describe the difference between an employment application and a resume * List the advantages and disadvantages of using an employment application * Identify the two types of employment applications * Describe what you can do to make your application stand out from the crowd * Understand the information you need to complete an employment application * Describe how to handle salary expectations on an employment application * List what you need to consider when providing references
Estimated Time (Hrs): 0.8
Language: English
Self enrollment (learner)
Self enrollment (learner)