A fraction represents part of a whole. Every fraction has a numerator and denominator. In this course, you will learn what a fraction is and the parts that make one up. You will find out how to compare fractions. You will also discover techniques for finding the least common denominator and ordering fractions.
Estimated completion time (hours): 1.1
By the end of this course, you will be able to do the following:
- Understand the importance of equal parts
- Identify the numerator and denominator of a fraction
- Compare fractions
- Describe how to use a fraction number line
- Understand how to solve problems using pictures
- List the different types of fractions
- Explain equivalent fractions
- Find a common denominator and the least common denominator
- Describe techniques to order fractions
- Press Technician 1
- Core Math Skills
Estimated Time (Hrs): 1.1
Language: English