Enrollment options

You may be required to measure specific part features to determine whether they meet part quality requirements. In this module, you’ll learn about the equipment and procedures used to perform dimensional measurement. You will find out how to correctly use micrometers, calipers, and indicators to measure piece parts and how to establish zero on micrometers and indicators. You will also discover the importance of calibration.

Estimated completion time (hours): 1.0

By the end of this course, you will be able to do the following:
Identify precision measuring tools
  • Explain how to correctly use a micrometer to measure a piece part
  • Describe how to establish zero on a micrometer
  • Explain how to correctly use calipers to measure a piece part
  • Explain how to correctly use different types of indicators to measure a piece part
  • Explain how to establish zero on dial and digital indicators • Explain the importance of calibration
    Learning Paths
    • Press Technician 2

    Estimated Time (Hrs): 1
    Language: English
    Self enrollment (learner)
    Self enrollment (learner)