A threaded insert is a device used to replace damaged internal threads or to provide greater holding strength for a thread in weak materials. Estimated completion time (hours): 2.0ObjectivesBy the ...
Hi-Loks are permanent threaded fasteners that combine the best features of a rivet and a bolt. Their high strength-to-weight ratio makes Hi-Lok fasteners an excellent choice for many areas of the ...
Lockbolts are permanent threaded fasteners that combine the best features of a rivet and a bolt. Their high strength-to-weight ratio makes the lockbolt fastener an excellent choice for many areas ...
This course introduces you to nut plates, which are fasteners used to secure bolts on panels or other items that are frequently removed.Estimated completion time (hours): 0.7ObjectivesBy the end of...
Blind rivets are permanent mechanical fasteners that are installed from one side of the workpiece. They are used to hold two or more pieces of material together. Understanding how blind rivets work...
Aircraft fasteners come in many styles and sizes. Standard identification codes are used to identify the fasteners used in the aviation industry.Estimated completion time (hours): 1.1ObjectivesBy ...
Fasteners and their mating parts are meant to join together in a particular way called a fit. How they fit together is very important to the structural stability of an aircraft.Estimated completion...
Torsion, tension, and the vibrations that occur during normal flight may cause some types of fasteners used in airplane assembly to loosen. These fasteners must be secured so that they remain in ...
Torque is the force that rotates an object around an axis. Torque tools, commonly called torque wrenches, apply this force to nuts and bolts used in airplane assembly. Estimated completion time ...
Geometry is a branch of mathematics that deals with the measurement, properties, and relationships of lines, triangles, circles, and other geometric shapes. This course introduces you to the study ...
The study of geometry begins with the definitions of basic geometric shapes. In this course, you will learn about points, lines, and other geometric shapes.Estimated completion time (hours): 0....
Angles are formed by two rays that have a common endpoint. This course covers angles, how they are named, how they are measured, and different terminology related to angles.Estimated completion ...
Lines are one-dimensional geometric shapes composed of a set of continuous points that extend infinitely in either direction. This course explores the properties of lines.Estimated completion time ...
The term poly means many or much. A polygon is a figure with many sides. This course explores the properties of polygons.Estimated completion time (hours): 1.1ObjectivesBy the end of this course, ...
Triangles are polygons that have three sides. You probably see triangles every day in architecture or other areas of life. This course covers the properties of triangles, including right triangles....
A quadrilateral is a polygon with four straight sides. This course introduces quadrilaterals, including the parallelogram, kite, and trapezoid.Estimated completion time (hours): 0.9ObjectivesBy the...
You see circles every day, from the tires on your car, to the rim of your coffee mug. This course covers circles, including how to calculate the area of a circle.Estimated completion time ...
The objects that you interact with each day are three dimensional – they have length, width, and height. In this course, you will learn about three-dimensional shapes and their properties.Estimated...
Coordinate geometry uses a Cartesian coordinate system to analyze shapes such as lines or circles. In this course, you will work with a two-dimensional coordinate system.Estimated completion time ...
Geometric transformations change the size, orientation, or location of shapes. In this course, you will explore geometric transformations.Estimated completion time (hours): 0.9ObjectivesBy the end ...
Files, hand reamers, and lapping tools are used to shape materials. The shapes created with these tools include flat surfaces, curved surfaces, and precision holes. Each tool requires knowledge of ...
When creating tooling, a toolmaker must sometimes assemble component parts. When doing this, the toolmaker will often use hammers, punches, and chisels of various types.Estimated completion time ...
When creating fixtures, jigs, and other tooling, toolmakers use a variety of pliers and ratchets. These tools are used to secure, hold, or assemble work pieces either permanently or temporarily....
An important part of creating tooling is defining patterns and the locations of holes for cutting and drilling. Toolmakers use optical center finders and scribes in combination with templates when ...
A hydraulic system uses liquid to transmit power. It is designed to create the energy required in the fluid to make the entire system operate.Estimated completion time (hours): 1.1
Hydraulics is based on physics. As a result, it is crucial that you understand the theoretical concepts and fundamental laws applicable to hydraulics. Parameters to control include force, speed, ...
Hydraulic fluid plays an important role in a hydraulic system. Without hydraulic fluid, the service life of other components would be much shorter. Estimated completion time (hours): 0....
Hydraulic systems use fluid power to perform work. A simple hydraulic system consists of several common components, including a tank, pump, filter, heat exchanger, accumulator, valve, and actuator....
An actuator transforms hydraulic energy into mechanical energy so that work can be performed. An actuator may be in the form of a cylinder or motor.Estimated completion time (hours): 1....
A hydraulic valve regulates and controls the hydraulic system’s fluid. Valves are classified based on the power to be transmitted, their function, the control, and their design. In this chapter, ...
Piping and tubing transport hydraulic energy throughout the circuit of a hydraulic system. This piping may be flexible or rigid. When flexible or rigid piping are not the best solution, connection ...
In this course, you will discover the symbols used in hydraulic systems. You will also learn about basic hydraulic and electrohydraulic circuits and their applications.Estimated completion time ...
Lean principles are designed to help an organization achieve process perfection. The foundation of lean principles are employee involvement, adding the maximum value, and the elimination of waste. ...
In this course, you will learn about the history of lean manufacturing. You will discover how the contributions of Henry Ford, Taiichi Ohno, and Shigeo Shingo worked together to form what is today ...
A disorganized work area not only makes it hard to find items, but it makes working effectively and efficiently difficult as well. In this course, you will learn about the importance of workplace ...
In this course, you will learn about the process of Sort. Sort involves getting rid of unnecessary items and general clutter in the work area. Sort helps ensure that only necessary items remain in ...
In this course, you will learn about Straighten. Straighten is a method for organizing the workplace to reduce wasted steps, motion, and time. You will explore techniques designed to help you store...
In this course, you will learn to Shine. Shine is maintaining order through cleaning. Daily cleaning routines are established to maintain a clean and tidy working environment. You will explore ...
In this course, you will learn about standardizing the Sort, Straighten, and Shine activities. You will also discover basic guidance on how to keep the 5S effort active in your organization....
The last step of 5S, Sustain, is considered the most difficult step of the 5S process. Sustain is defined as the training and discipline needed to maintain 5S. In this course, you will learn why ...